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Showing posts from September, 2006

First Day of School

Sometimes things happen to let you know that you've made the right decision. Today was my first day back working in my after school program. I was having fun with the kids on the back playgound and they asked if we could go for a walk. I said wouldn't it be even cooler if we went to the falls? So we asked the-coolest-boss-ever if we could take our little jaunt and she said, "I love impromptu activities!" Cool or what? So off we went: (This would be the same place that I lost my shoe! Ahem!) I took half of the kids right up to falls. They got all misted. We looked at the fossil ripples in the exposed gorge walls. We threw a bunch of rocks. We headed back down stream with all of our shoes. While walking back one of the really sweet second grade boys said to me: This place is great! (then he punched his hand up towards the sky and said) It's the best day of my entire life! I suppose that he's only 7, but I helped him have his best day ever. I couldn't have do...

When I grow up

At different points in my life, I've thought that I had it figured out. But I've never been that satisfied with what I have been doing. My last stint as a temp has really crystalized this for me. I just cannot sit at a desk all day or work in a lab all day. It's not me and I shouldn't fight it. I'm playful and fun, active and structured. I like to explore the world and share it with other people. I'm creative and imagintive. I love little kids. I was really happy working at the school age program last year even through all the crap that happened. In fact, the staff, the kids, and the activities that went on there were the shining moments during my break up, excluding the wonderful support I got here, of course. All this summer I have missed people calling me Momo, I haven't had a good game of head hunter and no one has given me a spontaneous hug, a just because moment of innocent affection. So I have made two decisions. The first is that I am going to retur...