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When I grow up

At different points in my life, I've thought that I had it figured out. But I've never been that satisfied with what I have been doing. My last stint as a temp has really crystalized this for me. I just cannot sit at a desk all day or work in a lab all day. It's not me and I shouldn't fight it.

I'm playful and fun, active and structured. I like to explore the world and share it with other people. I'm creative and imagintive. I love little kids.

I was really happy working at the school age program last year even through all the crap that happened. In fact, the staff, the kids, and the activities that went on there were the shining moments during my break up, excluding the wonderful support I got here, of course.

All this summer I have missed people calling me Momo, I haven't had a good game of head hunter and no one has given me a spontaneous hug, a just because moment of innocent affection.

So I have made two decisions.

The first is that I am going to return to my old job. It's only part time so I am going to have to find something for my other hours to survive. It kind of puts me in a bad position as I could have had the job that I was temping at and had health insurance, money to buy a new car, free tuition after a year at Cornell etc. I was planning to get my certification there for secondary science education. Now I won't have any security. But if I can find another job that works with this one, I'll have my happiness, right?

The second one is that I have decided to go back to school to become an elementary school teacher. It's too late to start this semester, but I think I will be able to start in the Spring and this will work well with my part time job. I can get loans and my work has some money available for me, too (at least that's what my boss told me!). The state school near here is pretty cheap (compared to Cornell) and has a great elementary education program.

When I taught high school science I just wasn't as happy as I could have been. In fact, I don't think I was very happy at all. I don't think it was the teaching part. It's really frustrating trying to teach science to that age. I really feel motivated to do this, so I think that it's the right thing (or at least as close to the right thing as possible) now. I need to get crackin'!!!

On another note, my Yarn Aboard II package made it to Holly!. Hurray!


Teyani said…
three cheers for you!
I went back to school at 40 yrs old... it's never too late to do what you love. I have never once regretted my decision (despite the school loans :-)
Larjmarj said…
I didn't even start college until I was 35. I got a degree in something that I love doing, I could be making more $ doing something else but..think of all the hours that you put into a job. You should be happy in what you do, to be happy is to be successful.
Teej said…
I echo the above - if there's something that you know you can do that will make you happier and your life more satisfying, there's no age limit on starting down the path. My husband is 33 and currently a sophomore in college and for every time he gets frustrated at feeling like he should be beyond all this, I get envious for not getting more out of my undergrad years. It's all about perspective!
Anonymous said…
WOW! That is exciting. It really is important to love what you do. I hated sitting in a cube all day too. I am so happy that I went back to get my library degree. Now I enjoy going to work. : ) YOU GO!
Mothlady said…
It sounds like you've carefully weighed your options and I agree with the other commenters, it's very important to love what you do. Two years ago I left my managerial job to become a freelancer. I only regret I didn't do it sooner :)
Anonymous said…
hey--I think you have made a really great decision----fits you to a teeeeeeeeee.....guess I will have to visit you there and give you a big hugggggggg. yer old flaky mom
Miri Mack said…
Thanks, Gals! It's so nice to get some positive feedback on this.

I had been feeling really ill lately and I think working in the office had a lot to do with it because ever since I made that decision my health has improved.
Anonymous said…
Follow your bliss - you deserve to be happy :o)

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