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Showing posts from January, 2007

Monday is Meme Day

Deee-lovely Holly over at Hollyarns tagged me the other day with the 5 Little-Known Things About Me Meme. 5 Things You Probably Didn't Know about Me 1. I never dot my i's when writing in cursive. 2. I have a rock collection, mostly ones that I have collected. 3. I have a certain set of books that I reread most every year: Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Enders Game, Harry Potter 1 and 4, Far from the Madding Crowd, Jude the Obscure, Return of the Native, The Desert Smells Like Rain, Red Mars, Neuromancer, All Quiet on the Western Front, Animal Dreams. 4. I own more than 10 coats. 5. Out of all the patterns in all the knitting books I own, I have only knit one pair of fingerless mitts. (Well, I knitted a kitty hat from the original S'N B, but my gauge was totally different and so I had to completely redo the pattern. So I don't think this counts.) Who should I tag? Well if you want to participate, then consider yourself it!

Dove Bar Wisdom

Lately there seems to be a running theme in my life: the idea of presence. It's manifest itself in a couple of ways (you know if you've read my blog entries recently), but the most recent was from the wrapper of a Dove chocolate piece that one of the barristas randomly gave me at the coffee shop during last week's Stitch'N Bitch: Your presence is often the best present. How crazy is that? But it came at a time when I was kind of wondering about something and acted as a sort of reinforcement; a little present from the universe at large (if you believe in that kind of thing). And speaking of Stitch'N Bitch, one of our lovely members has been bringing along her holiday presents for the benefit of all the group: This action shot depicts 667 yards of fingering weight merino/silk being wound for me! Yes!!!! What shall it be? I want it to be something lacey, but hadn't really given it serious thought because the thought of winding it made me shudder. I'd like to m...

Where did the year of the sweater go?

Happy New Year to all y'all! I'm betting that most bloggers have already done some sort of review of the year by now. I've been hedging a little bit on this one. I didn't get a lot of knitting done in 2006. And much of the year was filled with strife, hurt and difficulty for me. So I am really not going go over it again. Except I want say that many of you in blogland and the knitworld have been great friends and sources of light for me. I can't thank you enough. And there have been some wonderful friends here in Ithaca as well. You know who you are. Thanks for the hugs and calls and all the moral support. Good bye, 2006! So the plan for this year: things are going to get better in 2007 (repeat to self 100 times daily for month of January). No, it's true: things are looking up. For one, I had a great interview for graduate school before leaving for Atlanta. Most likely you'll find me back in school come the Fall of 2007. Second, I should be having my first fi...