Deee-lovely Holly over at Hollyarns tagged me the other day with the 5 Little-Known Things About Me Meme.
5 Things You Probably Didn't Know about Me1. I never dot my i's when writing in cursive.
2. I have a rock collection, mostly ones that I have collected.
3. I have a certain set of books that I reread most every year: Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Enders Game, Harry Potter 1 and 4, Far from the Madding Crowd, Jude the Obscure, Return of the Native, The Desert Smells Like Rain, Red Mars, Neuromancer, All Quiet on the Western Front, Animal Dreams.4. I own more than 10 coats.
5. Out of all the patterns in all the knitting books I own, I have only knit one pair of fingerless mitts. (Well, I knitted a kitty hat from the original S'N B, but my gauge was totally different and so I had to completely redo the pattern. So I don't think this counts.)
Who should I tag? Well if you want to participate, then consider yourself it!
I never did get into the two Thomas Hardy books you mentioned but I sure loved Tess of the D'Ubervilles. Maybe I'll give it another shot. (I did read it three times when I read it as an undergrad for a major term paper). I don't know if I necessarily read these books every year, but it seems like I've read the Handmaid's Tale and Sula a million times!
I'll have to look up some of the others you listed and maybe check them out!