Deee-lovely Holly over at Hollyarns tagged me the other day with the 5 Little-Known Things About Me Meme.
5 Things You Probably Didn't Know about Me
1. I never dot my i's when writing in cursive.
2. I have a rock collection, mostly ones that I have collected.
3. I have a certain set of books that I reread most every year: Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Enders Game, Harry Potter 1 and 4, Far from the Madding Crowd, Jude the Obscure, Return of the Native, The Desert Smells Like Rain, Red Mars, Neuromancer, All Quiet on the Western Front, Animal Dreams.
4. I own more than 10 coats.
5. Out of all the patterns in all the knitting books I own, I have only knit one pair of fingerless mitts. (Well, I knitted a kitty hat from the original S'N B, but my gauge was totally different and so I had to completely redo the pattern. So I don't think this counts.)
Who should I tag? Well if you want to participate, then consider yourself it!
I never did get into the two Thomas Hardy books you mentioned but I sure loved Tess of the D'Ubervilles. Maybe I'll give it another shot. (I did read it three times when I read it as an undergrad for a major term paper). I don't know if I necessarily read these books every year, but it seems like I've read the Handmaid's Tale and Sula a million times!
I'll have to look up some of the others you listed and maybe check them out!