This new bag of Jaeger Shetland Aran has a little bit different feel than I remember. It's rather more like the samples cards of Beaver Slide yarn that I bought recently, in that it has a spongy feeling to it. So I dug out another old ball of it and sure enough it also has the same texture. Funny thing is, I used Shetland Aran to make the Celtic Cap and had the right gauge for Eris.
Okay, so what to do?
Knit something else, of course! Perhaps something that you have been thinking about knitting for a long time, something that you just bought yarn for because the yarn spoke to you in the store.
The Flower basket Shawl, by Evelyn Clark. The picture is not so grand as I took it with my mobile but you get the idea. Right now, I am working on the sixth lace repeat and I'm still on my first skein of yarn. I'm using Aracunia Nature Wool so the put up is large, but I am thinking I won't have to break out the third skein. It's been a great knit so far. I can't wait to try blocking my first real shawl. :)
I've been sick for almost two weeks now and I haven't been doing any martial arts. I went to the doctor last Monday and I thought for sure they would say I had strep, but with the lack of fever they sent me packing. So it's been dragging on and on and now I have another cold. I tried to go to baxing on Saturday, but got sent home. Winter needs to end here so that I can sit in the sunshine and reclaim my health.
My wrists are just now starting to feel better! That thing was trying to kill me! I had to take a break from it =) - but I did finish up some socks. I think that I have to do a little at a time on the Blanket and then knit other stuff the rest of the time, so I don't get carpal tunnel.
Your shawl looks awesome so far! I'm glad it's such a pleasant knit for you.
The stitch markers ARE awesome aren't they? She says she's not artistic, but I always argue with her =)
I'm glad they are better. I can't wait to see your socks. I doubt your sister wants you hurting yourself over this.
Your shawl looks wonderful - great colors!
Hope you are feeling better. There was a nasty nasty flu that went around out here, took people out left and right - headache (almost migraine) cough, fever and more coughing.. pneumonia like. sigh. What the folks here found was that echinacha (sp?)/zinc throat lozanges worked the best... so bump up your echinacha ! we 'd all like you healthy!@.. and check out Becky at knittinginterrupted blog to see about joining in on the next sock swap. I've had a blast with these folks!:-)
Thanks, Teyani! I have been taking an echinacea/goldenseal supplement and another immune system booster too. I think it's finally helping. :) Knittinginterrupted is a great blog! I will check it out.