This is the Farrow Rib scarf that I am making as a xmas gift for my father. I decided on US8 needles and doubling up. It was going to take forever on the US2s I started out with.

I am still working on the collar for Eris. Every weekend I sit down a plow through a chart. It's really almost done. The right side is looking so much better than the left that I am thinking of frogging it again. Andean Silk really doesn't frog well though.

I am still working on the collar for Eris. Every weekend I sit down a plow through a chart. It's really almost done. The right side is looking so much better than the left that I am thinking of frogging it again. Andean Silk really doesn't frog well though.
This is a bag that I am crocheting for felting. I am really excited to see how it will felt down. I am trying to do the straps like the lucy bag from two old bags. I just have a little bit to finish up. It's a nice weekend project.
New Yarn
So an order arrived from Knit Picks (0ne that I was only supposed to make when I finished the collar for Eris, whoops!). I can now start on my KR gift elf present and my mosaic socks for the 6soxKAL. I am to be using the varigated yarn and the color your own for the socks.
I restarted Ella using the chart that's now provided. Actually I am a lot further along than shown in this picture.
I don't know for sure of course, but it looks very similar =)
I making good progress on sock2