Yesterday my mother's christmas gift arrived. I wanted to get some fiber for her to spin. She recently bought a drop spindle and has been itching to get started. Teyani at Crown Mountain Farms suggested pencil rovings as an easy starter fiber. So I chose a nice colorway that she dyed herself. It's called autumn and as you can see it's aptly named not to mention gorgeous.
What amazing service - they shipped it the day I ordered it and it came right away even with the Thanksgiving holiday. It's really soft and light, not scratchy at all. The thing that I really like about this gift is that if my mom decides that spinning is not for her, she can use the roving to knit with. There are some great felted items on the Crown Maountain site made from this roving.
There hasn't been much kung fu this week as my teacher has been out of town and classes have been cancelled for the holiday. It's a good thing since I have been sick and my body needed some recovery time. Tomorrow there will be sparring. But if it's anything like last week, I will need more recovery time.