So I was poking around on some blogs the other day and clicked a link to
Lolly's Project Spectrum page. I had heard about this project but didn't really know what it was about, just that there was some "thing" for red going around the knitblogosphere. In any event, I enjoyed reading some of Lolly's views on art and the rest of the day I noticed all the red around me. Since I am all for activities that increase my awareness of my environment, I decided that I would join in.

I wanted to start out with a transition from last month's colors of red and pink into this month's colors of yellow and orange.

I wanted to start out by looking back at photos that I aleady had to see how those two colors played a roll in their composition.

I wanted this experience to help make me mindful of yellow and orange in my present environment so that the next set of pictures might be about what I see today.
We have had a pretty glorious week here in Ithaca and it seemed to answer my prayer for a little warm weather. I am finally feeling well eventhough I haven't sounded really well, and I was able to start exercising again. In fact, I was in the park yesterday with my friend doing kung fu. It was awesome to feel the sun on my back and the breeze coming off the lake. We did a little bit of forms and then combat. And then we took some silly pictures.
Glad to hear you are feeling better enough to do vertical splits! My goodness! <=P lol
You look like you are feeling happy =)
I cannot believe that in Ithaca the weather is so glorious!!! wow! I hope it stays that wonderful for when we visit in July. ho ho ho ho
Your photos are beautiful - thanks.
Knit on!